Small dirty script to transform the core of a web page into a .mobi 2011-03-12

I'm the owner of a Kindle. This little (non free :/) piece of hardware has quite changed my life. I now want to read everything on it. Especially long web articles. So, I've written a small script that extract the core information of a web page then transform the result into a mobipocket file.

This script combine two tools: decruft (a python implementation of the readability core algorithm) and ebook-convert, a tool supplied by calibre (it's in the pkg "calibre-bin"). I glued everything with some dirty bash, and voilà.

The result code is quite horrible (and buggy in some places) but is good enough for my needs. Despise this dirty aspect I release it anyway, maybe it will be useful for someone or, even better, maybe someone will code a better version.


    # decruft don't create correct headers :(
    # also grab the title of the webpage using python
    echo "<html><head><title>$(python -c "from mechanize import Browser;
        b = Browser();'$1'); print b.title()")</title></head></body>" > .tmp.html -u $1 >> .tmp.html
    echo "</body></html>" >> .tmp.html
    # remove some useless stuff that decruft don't remove
    sed -i 's/<p [^>]\\+>/<p>/g' .tmp.html

    # download images to includes them in the mobi file (ebook-convert do that automatically)
    # (I'm pretty sure wget can do this in a much better way)
    # for every images
    for i in $(grep "<img" .tmp.html | sed 's/.*src="\\([^"]\\+\\)".*/\\1/g' | sort | uniq);
        # if I'm a direct url
        if [ $(python -c "print '$i'.startswith('http://')") == "True" ]
            wget "$i"
            # add the beginning of the website name to create a complete url
            # I'm pretty sure this part is buggy, the $() probably inject caracters interpreted by sed
            wget $(echo "$i" | sed "s/^/$(echo "$1" | sed 's#http://##' | sed 's#/*##' )/")
    # change the url in the <img src="" /> to point it to the current folder
    sed -i 's/src="[^"]*\\//src="/g' .tmp.html
    ebook-convert .tmp.html mobi/$

# arg parsing
if [ $1 ];
if [ $2 ];
    if [ -e mobi/$ ];
        if [ $3 ]
            if [ $3 == "force" ]
                mobify $1 $2
                echo 'add "force" as last args'
            echo 'add "force" as last args'
        mobify $1 $2
    echo "Usage: <url> <filename (without extension)> [force]"