cd ~/life && git log | head
This is my new invention to lose time (I've made an expertise about that).
The principle is simple: you have an irc chan with a bot and a simple command !rss. You pass the uri of a rss and it will be now monitored and display on this chan. I've made this to have a news oriented irc chan.
You'll need ii and rsstail. Set up the ii to put it on an irc chan (I've personally set up my own irc server).
Here is a script to launch and relaunch your ii:
while true
(sleep 7; echo "/j #mychan" > irc/ &
./ii \\
-i "irc" \\
-s "" \\
-p "6667" \\
-n "mybotname" \\
-f "mybotname"
Once everything is in place here is the (dirty) script to add the !rss command.
But before, create a .while_cond file in the same directory where you'll place this script. This will help you kill a rsstail instance. Since this script launch the rsstail instance in a while true loop to make sure it won't be down, you have to use this mecanism to avoid the loop to start again. To kill a rsstail you have to write "false" in the .while_cond file then kill the chosen rsstail (don't forget to change .while_cond back after that).
# no line containing the messages of the bot
tail -n 0 -f path/to/$CHAN/out | grep -v --line-buffered "<mybotname>" | grep --line-buffered "\\>" | while read -r line
printf '%s\\n' "$line"
message_text=`printf '%s\\n' "$line" | sed 's/.\\+> //'`
case "$message_text" in
echo "I HAZ NO BUGZ" >> path/to/$CHAN/in ;;
!rss\\ *)
temp=`printf '%s\\n' "$message_text" | sed 's/!rss \\?//'`
echo "[new RSS] $temp"
while true; do ./rsstail -u "$temp" -l -P -z -N -n 1 -i 60 >> path/to/$CHAN/in; if [ $(cat .while_cond) = "false" ]; then break; fi; done &
One other detail: I have remove the carriage return between the title of a rss item and the link by hacking rsstail source code. This is somewhere at line 436. Yes, this is dirty but you should be accustomed now.
I hope you'll lose plenty of time with this script.