Ohai, I'm Bram. Here is a list of some of the volunteer stuff I'm doing or have been doing:
(last update 2017-06-19)
Internet, self-hosting, net neutrality, privacy
- 2017 co-organized the Decentralized Internet FOSDEM devroom with taziden and Tristan Nitot
- 2015 - now YunoHost, a thin layer on top on debian to simplify self-hosting - core developper, organization, support, app packaging (less) and a bit of CM/promotion
- 2015 - now Framasoft, a french "éducation populaire" freesoftware promotion association that has launched the "ungoogleised internet" and the CHATONS movments - haven't been very active in it, mostly doing ambassady works with the other projects
- 2014 - now la Brique Internet/InternetCube, a work out-of-the-box self hosting server based on YunoHost and a vpn wifi rooter - member of the collective since the beginning, distributor, promotion, support (a lot), cm, a bit of dev
- 2010 - now Neutrinet, an adventure to launch a local associative ISP in Belgium/Brussels - initiator, organisation, promotion, driving force, developer
- 2014 - now FFDN, federation of non-profil local associative ISP - indirectly involved with Neutrinet and la Brique Internet
- 2010 - somehow-not-now NURPA, a Belgian citizen group that defend our Fundamental Freedom of the Internet - co-founder, organisation, dev, sysadmin, promotion, I'm not really involved anymore
- 2009 - 2013 la Quadrature du Net, a non-profit association that defends the rights and freedom of citizens on the Internet - I was volunteer doing development, irc bot, dataviz, sysadmin, cm, organisation and a bit of promotion
- 2010 - 2014 Political Memory, a tool to tract how member of the European Parliament and the French Parliament have voted regarding la Quadrature's positions (ideally it would have been for every association who wants it) - main developer during all this time, promotion, based on the original work of Gibus, the project now lives without me
Minor things
- 2017 - I've ported the static website of the exégètes amateurs to lektor to provide an admin interface, previously only the 3 techs of the groups could edit it and they never have the time, it was frustrating for everyone
- 2016 - not directly my work (but I was interviewed) Cecilia has made her master thesis on la Brique Internet and it's very good overview and analysis not there to sell this adventure
- 2015 - 2016 - I've worked on Neutrinet's backoffice, allowing to do members listing management, basic accounting, public accounting and the cube ordering management
- 2013 Toutatis and Compotista 2 projects extracted from the Political Memory to allow everyone to work with European Parliament representatives data and votes data - done mostly all the work during that time
- 2012 an unfinished guide on how to make an IRC bot with ii like the one I've made for la Quadrature du Net (UnGarage)
- 2011 - Pas Peur d'hadopi, a website made to collect reason on why we didn't fear HADOPI for la Quadrature du Net - I helped mathieui finished his work and keeping the website online
- I was told one day that I was supposed to be a Belgian Telecomix agent. I still don't know what this is supposed to mean.
- 2013 Software Freedom Day 2013, a full day of talks at the hsbxl with 3 differents room and a bbq at the end, - we co-organized this day with sid and jurgen and the help of UrLab and the hsbxl
- 2013 - now HackerAgenda.Be a fully automated agenda that centralized events (using scripts) that could interest hackers in Belgium - launched it, done somehow 80% of the work, don't work that much on it anymore
- 2011 - 2015 UrLab the ULB's student hackerspace - co-initiator, done a shitload of administrative procedure, organisation, hacking, promotion and so on
- 2015 - 2016 PythonFosdem devroom, a devroom for python programmers at FOSDEM - help doing so sort of stuff: select talks, do the scheduling, took pictures, hold the stand, animate the room
- 2014 - 2016 RedBaron a python lib that allows to write code that modify source code for custom refactoring, based on Baron - main dev, I've basically done 95% of the job
- 2013 - 2016 - Baron a FST (full syntax tree) for python, like an AST but with the garantie that
dump(load(source_code)) == source_code
- main dev, I've basically done 95% of the job
- 2013 AfpyroBE, python meetup in Belgium launched by GMLudo - co-organised some in 2013 and did one talk there
Minor or unfinished things
- 2016 Aviron a project that was a prototype to answer the question of "what could be the vi of RedBaron?" (in the same logic that vi was the UI of ed), I have quite some notes of what that could be, I'll might write them down one day
- 2013 ast2json a generic script to convert python's ast to json
Other Projects
- 2017 t2m a script to forward tweets from a twitter account to a mastodon account
- 2016 - PvPads a tool to solve the problem of organisation that have a lot of meeting's note in etherpad all around internet and put them in the same place
- 2015 - now Prosopopee a "tell a story with your pictures" static website generator - initiator, done all the initial work, beudbeud and other contributors helped a lot
- 2015 - now Manger-Veggie.be a website for Vegetik to help find places to eat vegetarian/vegan food, it is also used for mobile website of VegoResto by L214 - made this with gdesmott and a bit of help from staz and rony
- 2013 - 2014 ipython-beautifulsoup integration of BeautifulSoup (a html parser in python) into the ipython/jupyter notebook
- 2011 - 2015 DierenTheater a tool that parses and extract data from the Belgian Parliament website and offers them to the world - did all the work
- 2012 - P402 a student document sharing tool based on one of my article and launched by a friend, now relaunched by c4 at UrLab and named DocHub - "there is some of my code in it" ™
- 2015 - now Src, a radio emission on freesoftware at radio campus Brussels - was doing interview and finding people/theme to talk about (but not the lead, it was Sara), also did the website in lektor - restarted mid 2017 with Fredux
- 2013 - 2015 Poop, a diy-queer-hacker-feminist-vegan festival in Paris - was variously involved during the 3 editions
- 2014 - 2017 Abelli, a Free software Belgian association that has done AssociaLibre, events build to show to the associative world what the freesoftware world can do for them
- 2013 Brussels' RMLL, Libre Software Meeting and French yearly event for the whole freesoftware community - this edition was in a very bad state, I've been part of the group that try (and managed) to save it, doing meeting coordination
- 2013 done some coatching at OpenTechSchool Brussels
- 2010 Seeks a (now dead :() decentralized federated search engine by beniz, searx is somehow (but now really) it's successor - I've been contributing to some of the parsers
- 2011 - 2012 WarGod a "river of flow" rss reader that generate static html pages
- 2009 - 2010 secretary of the BES at the ULB
- 2009 - was involved into vim-fr.org (now dead)
- 2006 - 2011 active member of the Cercle Informatique of the ULB - I've had several post including vice-president
Some of my talks
You can contact me at brain@worlddomination.be, but don't expect a quick answer I receive a lot of emails.